On January 23, Ameer Jan shot his own daughter Hajrah in public on the premises of the City Courts in Karachi, Pakistan, while she was being escorted between rooms. The man killed her for marrying off her own free will, also known
Three young Muslim men were attacked by cow vigilantes in India, resulting in one death and the arrest of another on charges of cow smuggling.
Indian ritual sacrifices - Police arrest five people in connection with 2019 murder at Hindu temple; Couple allegedly dies by suicide in sacrificial ritual using guillotine-like mechanism.
The alleged mastermind behind this "massacre" is controversial preacher Pastor Paul Mackenzie of Good News International Church.
Dozens watched the flogging, a spectacle criticized by human rights groups but which regularly attracted hundreds before the pandemic.
An Iranian 14-year-old girl was beheaded by her father with farming sickle. The incident has sparked the nationwide outcry in Iran. Reza Ashrafi, beheaded his daughter Romina while she was sleeping. The incident is considered an “honor killing”. Ashrafi expressed outrage as
Two Pakistani women were allegedly killed by their respective families after a video which showed them both kissed by a man went viral. The alleged double honor killing happened on Thursday, according to CBS. The incident took place in a northwestern district
A Canadian pastor who claimed that Christians are immune to COVID-19 caught the disease. He was giving sermons in his native Myanmar and was arrested after a short stint in the hospital. David Lah, 43 years, is charged with holding mass gatherings
An ultraorthodox Israeli has used arson to kill an Arab toddler. That’s what an Israeli court found on May 18. A 25-year-old Israeli right-wing activist named Amiram Ben-Uliel hurled a firebomb into a West Bank home in July 2015. The incident killed