
In Indonesia, Grandmother Marries Her Son

- Mbah, 65, married her adopted son of age 24
- He's the one who proposed

Grandmother Marries Her Adopted Son Despite Their 41 Year Age Gap
Grandmother marries her own adopted son despite a huge age gap difference. Photo: YouTube

A 65-years-old grandmother has tied the knot with her 24-years-old adopted son.

Despite the age gap of 41 years, Mbah Gambreng (65) has married Ardi Waras (24) in South Sumatra, Indonesia, according to this article in the Mirror.

But the best part is that the man is also (technically) her son.

Mbah adopted Ardi last year. They have been living together since then, according to the local media reports as quoted in the Mirror.

The grandmother also has three adopted daughters. She says that when she first met Ardi, she had no intention of marrying him. She says she told Ardi to get married soon. He shocked her by proposing to her, according to this article published in Head Topics.

Photos of the wedding shared online shows the pair holding hands and smiling, says the article published in the Mirror. 

Before the ceremony, Ardi paid a dowry of 100,000 IDR (£6) to his wife-to-be. It is an Islamic ritual of gifting the money or possessions to the bride, says the same article in Head Topics.